Cornerstone urges Governor Lynch to sign right-to-work

This morning, the NH House voted to concur with the Senate version of the Right-to-Work bill, 225-140.  The bill now goes to Governor Lynch’s desk for either signature or veto.

Cornerstone Executive Director, Kevin Smith, made the following remarks following this development:

“We urge Governor Lynch, in the strongest possible manner, to sign this jobs-creation bill.  Research shows that the 23 other Right-to-Work states attract many good manufacturing companies, who would otherwise pass by those states if they weren’t Right-to-Work.  Especially in this economy, New Hampshire could use good manufacturing and other jobs that would be created as a result of this bill.  In addition, while this bill does not end the right to unionize, it allows individuals the freedom to decide whether or not joining a union is right for them, as opposed to being forced to pay into the union regardless.”

Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.

Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.