Act Now: Don’t Make State Funds Available to Abortion Providers!

Action Alert:
Email Legislative Fiscal Committee Today
Don’t make state funds available to
abortion providers!

When state legislators added family planning funds to the New Hampshire budget for the benefit of abortion providers earlier this year, Cornerstone called them out with the truth on the NH budget and Planned Parenthood spending.

This Friday – tomorrow, December 13, the Legislative Fiscal Committee will vote on a request by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services to allow a bookkeeping change regarding these additional state funds.

Please email the members of the Fiscal Committee and ask them to say NO to agenda item FIS 19-322. The addresses are below. 

Facts behind this additional funding:

  • A new federal rule went into effect this year for the federal family planning program, Title X. While Title X funds have never been meant to fund abortion directly, the new rule blocks abortion providers from the Title X program. This rule was enacted in response to the concerns by pro-life taxpayers that when an agency provides both family planning and abortion, every tax dollar helps with overhead (rent, utilities, staffing, etc.) that keep the abortion side of the business running, even if the dollars are not paying for abortion directly.
  • New Hampshire’s family planning contractors include both abortion providers (such as Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, PPNNE) and agencies that do not provide abortion.
  • When the new Title X rule went into effect, PPNNE announced that it would reject Title X funds rather than stop performing abortions. They were joined by other abortion providers, and even some other family planning contractors acting in misguided solidarity with abortion providers.
  • State legislators passed a budget that added state general funds for family planning to compensate the agencies that voluntarily surrendered Title X funds.

Now, the Fiscal Committee is being asked to approve an accounting measure to allow DHHS to keep doing business with contractors who said no to federal funds not out of concern for clients, but out of commitment to abortion.

The Message: Say No to DHHS’s Request

Please email members of the Fiscal Committee today – remember, they’re meeting tomorrow, Friday, December 13.

 In your own words, ask them to say NO to agenda item FIS 19-322, which has been requested by DHHS. We cannot support any action that will let our state general fund dollars go to abortion providers. 

As always, let your message be brief, clear, and courteous. Your subject line should refer to the Fiscal Committee agenda item #FIS 19-322.

If legislators are concerned that family planning clients will be denied care if FIS 19-322 is rejected. the fact is that care for those clients would not be at risk in the first place if family planning providers had not made abortion a priority. Federal Title X funds are available to any family planning contractor that is not in the abortion business. The state does not need to make up for “lost” federal funding, since federal funding was not “lost.” It was voluntarily surrendered by some family planning contractors.

Rep. Mary Jane Wallner:
Rep. Susan Ford:
Rep. Ken Weyler:
Rep. David Hunt:
Rep. Erin Hennessey:
Rep. Peter Leishman:
Rep. Lynne Ober:
Rep. Patricia Lovejoy:
Sen. Jay Kahn:
Sen. Cindy Rosenwald:
Sen. Donna Soucy:
Sen. Lou D’Allesandro:
Sen. Chuck Morse:

THANK YOU! Watch for a Cornerstone report after the committee has voted. Be sure to follow Cornerstone Action’s Facebook page