CornerstoneAction Denounces Lynch Campaign’s Disgusting Spin of Letter from Mr. Gilmore

For Immediate Release
OCTOBER 18, 2010
Contact: Kevin Smith
Phone: (603) 571-4710

Manchester, NH – Today, in an outrageous and disgusting political maneuver, John Lynch’s campaign sent out a press release which took a recent letter from Mr. Michael Gilmore, who was featured along with his wife in the Cornerstone Action ad, “90 Days,” and distorted it entirely out of context to solely benefit his desperate re-election campaign.

In his most recent letter to the Conway Daily Sun (attached), which the Lynch campaign conveniently fails to post on their website, Mr. Gilmore explains that he was sorry if he had made inaccurate statements in the past with regard to where parole violators would serve their time after being arraigned for their offense. While the Lynch campaign tries its best to then portray Mr. Gilmore as now supporting the entire legislation, they omit perhaps the
most important part of the letter where Mr. Gilmore again calls for the parole board to have discretionary power over a parole violator’s release.

The “90 day” maximum sentence for a parole violation is the issue addressed by the Gilmore’s in Cornerstone’s tv ad, and Mr. Gilmore’s most recent statements are no different than what he and his wife have previous stated with regard to that issue.

Commenting on the Lynch campaign’s attempt to exploit the Gilmore family over Michael Gilmore’s honest and sincere letter was Cornerstone Action’s Director, Kevin Smith:

“It is nothing short of disgusting that John Lynch would stoop this low just so he can try to stop the bleeding from an issue that he knows could possibly derail his re-election efforts. Has Governor Lynch even called the Gilmore family since the ad began airing to discuss the matter with them? Did he call them before he allowed his campaign to issue this sleazy press release to make sure he was portraying Mr. Gilmore’s sentiments correctly?
John Lynch owes this family a public apology for only adding to their trauma since he signed SB500 into law.”

In related news, Cornerstone Action will be launching a substantial one week statewide radio buy beginning tomorrow, which will once again feature the Gilmore family along with Carroll County Sheriff, Chris Conley.

Mr. Gilmore can be reached for comment by the press at: 356-2331.

Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.

Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.